Sunday, October 11, 2009

Be open to everything but attached to nothing!

I have alot on my mind right now and when my thoughts are in overdrive it always helps to relieve the pressure by blogging. As the thoughts of success, making the right decisions, love, life and my future plague me I continue to realize that when we focus too much on the desired outcome we block the progress of getting to what we want in the first place. Everything I have ever asked for God has given it to me, but not before I stepped out of the way and allowed him to take care of the details. I relation to the previous post about letting go those are some things that have been difficult for me. Sometime we know there are some things we need to let go, but we are so consumed with not wanted to lose something that we hold on to cancers. Cancers in the form of bad relationships with friends, significant others, cancers of addictions, cancers of self doubt, cancers of fear of failure. Anything you allow to sit inside you and eat away at your judgment when it comes to doing the right thing is a cancer. So with that said in the book by Dr. Wayne Dyer entitled 10 Secrets for Success and inner Peace of which I reference quite often I had to go back to secret #1 in light of some struggles I am having in the arena of "letting go". So here we go...

Secret #1 Have a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing...
That's deep I am down with having an open mind, but how can we be attached to nothing???
"If you're attached to being right or absolutely need something in order to be successful, you'll live a life striving yet never arriving."
"Never make your happiness or success dependent on an attachment to anything, any place or particularly any person"

Those 2 quotes from this chapter sum up so much when it comes to relationships. Many times we get so caught up in how good or how happy another person makes us feel we forget that it's our personal duty to make sure we are happy within ourselves. This is why when you are in a relationship or building a relationship with someone it is vitally important to know who you are as in independent human being, or else you will get lost in the other persons vision of what they want you to be or who you think they want you to be. Attachments aren't good because they put us in a state of self bondage that can be difficult to get out of because I will admit I don't like to lose, so some attachments take longer to let go of and turn into opportunity costs.

I have a perfect example of defining happiness in a relationship, there was a past relationship I was in and I loaned my partner something and happened to vent to a married woman I knew. She was young had a child and of course said I needed to get what was mine and that he was using me. She then said that the only way her husband could provide was financially. So I sat there and thought about it, from what I told her I could see why she may have assumed I was being used. But what I told her was that I'm sure someday the financial aspect would come into play, but that right now he provided everything I needed except for the financial portion. That he provided me with peace when he helped guide my faith back to God, that he provided me as a friend by telling me the truth when no one else would, though he was busy he never let a day go by without letting me know he was thinking about me, that even on my bad days he saw good in me, he opens doors, he respects me and the physical bond is there too, if all he could do was give me money he'd be like the other 20 men telling me what they can do for me financially and materialistically. And that when I realized that I enjoyed making someone other than myself happy. But the problem with that was none of those things defined my role in that relationship they were the things I liked so much that letting it go for any reason is a thought I couldn't live without. But what happens if someone that does all those things and just stops one day? When a person stops being what they were to you. Will you let go of your attachments and walk away realizing that people and circumstances change and they were only in your life for a season, or do you hold on because you choose not to let go and stay attached to a situation that started one way, but seems to be ending another?

1 comment:

William Zodda(Srila Gaurahari Das) said...

Was googling Wayne Dyers famous quote which was the title of your blog and came upon it. If your not a teacher sharing publicly your thoughts you certainly should be as I got tremendous value from your insights! Thanks for that!