Thursday, December 25, 2008

LOL I'll talk to you Tomorrow!

So if you know know I always have a it is

So there's this guy that I've had a crush on for about 4 years. When I first saw him I was like damn he is that deal, but found out that he was married with a child. So fast forward to the present day after years of instant messaging we finally about month meet face to face.

So today was the second time we had some one on one time. So he comes through my aunts house about 12am. We watch a movie and a show on my computer. So then comes time for him to leave and earlier in the night he said he was going to the mall and I could come back to his crib and go to the mall with him in the morning. So I think about it!!! Being the blunt bitch I am I ask a question prior to packing my bag.

Me: "So are you weird about chicks sleeping in your bed"

Guy: "Umm what do you mean"

Me: "You know some niggas just are like, hey if a chick is sleeping in my know what's going down. I just want to clarify before I get there." (I continue to pretend to pack my bag)

Guy: (Is quiet for a second as silence prevails) "Ummm well I can just come back and take you to the mall tomorrow....if that's cool"

Me: (politely smiles) "Okay that's cool, whatever works"

Guy: "Are you sure that's cool???" (Walking out the door)

Me: "That's Fine" (Laughing on the inside)

So yeah I talk about sex life with other men, but it's just because I have nothing to be ashamed of. I ALWAYS have a story of some sort and don't skim on details. But just because I share this information does not mean I plan to get down with the person I'm sharing this info with. This guys intentions may have been harmless...maybe he didn't want me to be uncomfortable...maybe he didn't want me to get in his bed and flip the script but hey at least I put it out there.....we'll see if he takes me to the mall tomorrow LOL!!!

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