Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Some Throw Back Material

Intro To Me

Just in case you don't understand I'm
a stranger in this land
A passerby on the plains of frustration
A captain on the sea of loneliness
a slave on the plantations of hopelessness
The last survivor on this island
called seclusion.
Bottom Line, I'm not from this place
Often Judged, Frequently doubted,
and always underestimated.
Just another soldier in this war called life
An Actress in this play with an
audience much greater than any one of
us ever imagined. A starving poet searching
for inspiration...tell me why I feel.
I'm a lover, a fighter, a daughter, a
a sister, a poet, a leader, and not to mention a child of God.
But yet and still...A stranger in this land.

Brandy Danielle McCallum

Copyright ©2008 Brandy Danielle McCallum

Powerful Tools

Play me an instrumental ...
So I can get into the mood as my pen begins to imitate life.
Letting its ink freely dance across this naked page soon to
be filled with the thought and compassion of the person who
breaths life into this once dormant object.
Each word carefully written like a memorized essay printed
straight from my scattered mind..All controlled by you.
You have reawakened the creativity that graced my soul,
commanding my hand to write, causing the ink to sink into each
selected portion of this innocent piece of paper
written in a book with endless posibilities.

Brandy Danielle McCallum

Copyright ©2008 Brandy Danielle McCallum

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