Monday, February 2, 2009

You're a Grown Ass Woman! LOL

Okay so over the weekend I went to Tampa for Super Bowl. I saw alot of very attractive men and one in particular that I was my age, seemed to have good sense and a strong sense of self. But instead of me simply having a regular conversation I just HAD to explain what I don't do even though he never really asked.

What is it about some women that make us think that we have to explain ourselves to people who probably don't care one way or the other. It got so bad that this individual said that I "killed it". What makes it even worse is that I said so much that I don't even know what exactly killed anything. The truth is I was feeling this person physically but couldn't stop thinking ahead of the current situation....which was nothing more than a conversation. Instead I went into a semi-defense where I had to maintain my "integrity" at all costs.

So fast forward to the next text back and me "killing it" LOL. I thought to myself at what point do I really truly not care what people think. I don't look to be with someone based off of what they can do for me, but rather how that person makes me feel when I'm around them. But instead I operate on how I think I'll feel about that person 4 months from now. I try to keep thinking of formulas of how not to move to fast but I keep fucking up.

The following was my new Philosophy
Fellowship, Friendship, Relationship in that order
Because if you cannot get past the first 2 the the 3rd is impossible. Shouldn't you know someone before you share your body with them? Or if you feel comfortable and it's something u want to you just do what you feel? That is the question... I'm just all confused!

So next up for me is Grammy events then All-Star...let's see if I kill it for someone else or if the person I'm speaking about isnt too done...either way I guess we all have things to work on and being stingy with the pussy is def not a bad thing ;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Girl...being stingy with "you" period, is not a bad thing. I'm learning how to really discern who to give ANY part of me too- conversation included. Mental capacity included. LOL! Seriously, some people aren't worth even that- and if you are in tune with yourself, You'll know.

You probably went on the whole semi-defense b/c he was putting something out there that made you think he'd want it by the end of the night. Could have been your setting, the way he was looking at you- girl could have been anything. Once a woman has been hurt or played, it doesn't take much to keep us on our defenses.

No, you don't NEED to tell your whole life story, but what you do NEED is a man who is patient enough to listen when you want to tell it. ;-)