Monday, February 16, 2009

Drake-So Far Gone

So let me set this up first...

So everyone knows I am a fan of Trey Songz and a couple years ago he was on a song called Replacement Girl. I didn't pay attention to the rapper on the song. Fast forward to now. While I was on the first 4 dates of the "I Am Music" tour headlined by Lil Wayne he brings out his rappers from "Young Money". Before he introduces one of the rappers he states that dude used to be on "Degrassi"...Degrassi Nigga??? And he's a rapper??? Under LIL Wayne??? So I was like oh hell naw!!! But the kid was great. So I started looking up his music and realized it was Drake who had the song Trey Songz was on...Replacement Girl! So I call Trey's Manager Mr. Bobby Fisher and tell him about the tour and he tells me how Drake and Trey are real cool. So last week I went to Trey Grammy after party and Drake was there for a second, but he left before I got Bobby to give me the intro. So long story longer LOL...I'm in my office listening to Drake-So Far Gone all the way through...that and a couple people told me to listen to it! Keep it up Drake!

Drake - So Far Gone

1 comment:

The Aesthetic Leo said...

This mixtape is soooo dope!!!!