Saturday, February 14, 2009

Patiently Waiting

This is poem I wrote a couple years ago when the guy I put my all into sent one of those devastating blows and my eyes were truly opened to some things all of this stuff is's an accurate re-enactment.

I see it in your eyes the lies that you tell and at times it seems as though you're selling me the dream...

At least my dreams were to be with you
never mind the fact that you don't really want me back...because after the storm...
Forget that there were 3 less condoms than last time

And I know in my heart that maybe you're not right for me, but if I just hold on a little bit longer maybe we'll see eye to eye.

but in the mean time, I guess I can let you play between my thighs, stretch me to my highest point until I begin to sigh, or moan with whispers of relentless submissions cause fuck it...we were both on a mission

Thrusts of passion or possibility are positively positive so much so that it blinds me from seeing ANY negative...cause the truth is...I'm your weekend thing.
And when I depart someone else will lay helpless being fed blind directions by your supreme erections while I'm at home pretending everything is Alright.

See to leave such sexual supremacy would allow me to discover intimacy in a foreign place that could truly erase the false hopes and dreams that you feed me every day but until that time comes I have to patiently wait.

Copywrite~ Brandy Danielle McCallum

1 comment:


why do i feel strangely connected to this poem....