Monday, February 23, 2009

Being Blessed

I was explaining to a new friend the other day how the only person that can really get me to re-evaluate almost ANY situation is my best friend Dorothy. When she got saved and decided to fall back from me I did not disown her I let her do what she needed to do. But I wasn't really feeling the whole GOD thing! I was feeling like everyone who was on religion was full of it including my family members. I believed in something in my life greater than my self and I have faith that someone is looking out for me...but wasn't sure about the institution of religion/still not too sure. But lately I feel like God has been trying to tell me something no matter how bad my current situation is I have felt a calm over me at all times telling me not to worry. Everything around my seems to be going bad but I feel covered and safe and that can only be GOD! Then I met a designer that said some things that really just solidified what God has been trying to tell me all stop trying to lean on my own personal understanding and know that he got my my back and that what I am going through is only temporary. I know this is a change from the other posts but the positivity I feel and the small blessings I am receiving mean the world to me. I am far from perfect and my situation is all messed up but there is a plan for my life and I can't wait to see what it is! I know this I am going to do my best to be the best person I can be and to continue to strive for greatness. Thanks to all my true friends and even just people who see just the pictures on facebook from the outside, thank you for believing in Missbrandy...Brandy....B-Mac...Sands....Soror...LS whatever thanks! I'm here for you

"In prosperity our friends know us, in adversity we know our friends"