Tuesday, May 12, 2009

ROI’s and Opportunity Costs/ Heart vs. Mind

Opportunity Costs: The cost of passing up the next best choice when making a decision.

Return on Investment: A measure of a corporation's

I was thinking about this on my flight...

So as much as I try to avoid looking at personal relationships as business ventures, I keep coming back to this idea of ROI's and Opportunity cost. Now to break this down what I mean by ROI is the following. Anytime we as human beings submerge ourselves into new situations whether it be meeting new people, engaging in business and entering new relationships we subconsciously ask ourselves what the return on our investment will be, we ask ourselves how emotionally, physically, spiritually profitable is this person to me. When it comes to opportunity cost that is the idea of giving up one choice for another or evaluating what you are willing to give up in order gain something else. Lately I have found myself thinking about these things a lot. Being that I have only been in one real relationship I find that I am constantly trying to figure out my ROI in potential relationships and looking at my opportunity cost. I find myself also thinking about the following idea, quote or whatever you want to call it now taking literal quality of life out of the equation and for illustration purposes; when someone is brain dead their heart can still keep the organs and body alive but if your heart stops you die. Does that mean that it is logical to over ride what would seem to be intelligent decisions with what your heart tells you to do? Meaning you can survive for some time without brain activity yet without your hard everything goes. I know this seems crazy, but I am going through a situation that defies logic meaning that I am participating in a situation that feels right as opposed to what I logically would not let myself get involved in if I hadn't let how I feel be a factor. So what do you think in regards to logic and matters of what feels right. I still am in my opportunity cost phase with people that I deal with and in what capacity I deal with them. At what point do you cut off guys/chicks that you are dealing with to completely be open to someone else? This again my friend is where opportunity cost plays a factor! There are 2 potential outcomes depending on your answer to this question. What are you willing to give up in order to gain? You have to make a choice!


Success Jae said...

Sometimes you have to do things that are not comfortable in order to put yourself in a better position. I think sacrifice is the cornerstone of success. I go into situations looking how I can first be beneficial to someone else because naturally at the end of the day the blessings will come back to me in one form or another, as far as ROI is concerned. I feel you should always follow your god-given intuition and then you will be happy.

Its ironic that Ameer wrote this post today "Listen To Your Stomach"

Check out http://thechroniclesofameer.blogspot.com (follow him on twitter.com/25thhourman

byRTS said...

Great writing Brandy. I understand how after being through a few relationships and being hurt a few times or kissing a few frogs, it might seem practical to start viewing relationships as a business. Cos essentially, that's what you are doing when you analyze relationships with business terms. While that might be smart, don't you think it takes away from the whole experience of "falling" in love?
Why is it called falling in love? I've thought about that long and hard. I'd like to think it's because to really fall IN love, you have to be ready to let go of all inhibitions and let yourself go and hope the person catches you. And if you over-analyze, then you aint really falling...

That's just my opinion though. But maybe i'm just a hopeless romantic.

Check this out: http://tosin2world.blogspot.com/2006/05/how-to-keep-man.html

The Aesthetic Leo said...

Wow. Excellent writing. My first time coming through to your spot, it's dope!!! Keep it up!

Unknown said...

Wow! This is the first time I've ever heard anyone look at it this way besides myself. I've been through 3 serious relationships and here is what I've learned.
Getting in relationships is like buying something at Goodwill... "As Is". I made the mistake of looking at potential instead of what is there now. My Ex would never grow I discovered after 8 years. So accept the person as they are now and not how you think they might become.
The other thing is that I DO look at relationships as a business deal. My wife and I have been together 16 years, married 9 years. Even with the passion we felt, we approached it from a analytical business deal side. It has worked.
Love is viewed differently in different parts of the world. In the West we believe in a very romantic, but unrealistic Love. It isn't helping us.

Good writing, I enjoyed it!

Billy Hume