Sunday, August 16, 2009

You Can't Give What you Don't Have!!!

Okay so lately I have been trying to connect with myself and really figure out "Who is Brandy Danielle McCallum". This process has been a learning experience to say the least. It all started when I met this guy who I still date/talk to and that's when I started back reading the bible and going to church. Then I went to ATL and sat and talked to my friend Ivory and she suggested I read the book "The Secret". So all of these things started building towards building a better me. Last Thursday I went to a meeting with a friend and after that we ran into a couple of guys she knew. At first I was optimistic and stayed out of the conversation, but then one of them started asking me questions and we got into a really great discussion about people and their intentions and how we should act on instinct and what our gut tells us to do. Then he said "I want to buy you these books". So the next day we went to Borders and he bought me. "10 Secrets For Success and Inner Peace" by Dr. Wayne Dryer and "Living on Purpose" by Dan Millman. I started reading the book on Aug 7th I finished chapters 4-10 yesterday afternoon. But what made me finish it was because of the fact that even though I read "The Secret", which tells you basically that if you think positive then positive things will happen and vice versa, I still had a small cloud of negativity that kept creeping back into my life. It took for me to feel like I was losing someone very special to me to realize one very important piece of information that I didn't get until yesterday afternoon as I finished the 10 rules book. That "Secret 3: You can't give away what you don't have". So I began to think about my actions and how frustrated I get sometimes and how thoughts and emotions that I thought never existed started slowly coming back. If I don't have anger, jealousy, manipulation, doubt, greed or selfishness inside me then I can't project that on other people. I can't give off what I don't have. It's as simple as someone asking borrow $10 if you honestly don't have it you can't let the person borrow it...right? We can never allow another person to be a reason for us to "step out of ourselves or act out of character" at the end of the day what you do and say negative and positive are things that were there to begin with. With all that words of wisdom for the day are guard your words and examine what's in your heart. You can't gossip, hate, be jealous or anything else negative if you free yourself of those thoughts that keep you from true happiness! Reading and learning about these things has helped me and I have a ways to go, but you have to start somewhere! "The mind can allow us infinite possibilities or infinite failure, choose one"

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