Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Some Throw Back Material

Intro To Me

Just in case you don't understand I'm
a stranger in this land
A passerby on the plains of frustration
A captain on the sea of loneliness
a slave on the plantations of hopelessness
The last survivor on this island
called seclusion.
Bottom Line, I'm not from this place
Often Judged, Frequently doubted,
and always underestimated.
Just another soldier in this war called life
An Actress in this play with an
audience much greater than any one of
us ever imagined. A starving poet searching
for inspiration...tell me why I feel.
I'm a lover, a fighter, a daughter, a
a sister, a poet, a leader, and not to mention a child of God.
But yet and still...A stranger in this land.

Brandy Danielle McCallum

Copyright ©2008 Brandy Danielle McCallum

Powerful Tools

Play me an instrumental ...
So I can get into the mood as my pen begins to imitate life.
Letting its ink freely dance across this naked page soon to
be filled with the thought and compassion of the person who
breaths life into this once dormant object.
Each word carefully written like a memorized essay printed
straight from my scattered mind..All controlled by you.
You have reawakened the creativity that graced my soul,
commanding my hand to write, causing the ink to sink into each
selected portion of this innocent piece of paper
written in a book with endless posibilities.

Brandy Danielle McCallum

Copyright ©2008 Brandy Danielle McCallum

Monday, December 29, 2008

Men that I have to Leave in 08

Man the year is coming to an end and on the relationship front nothing has changed. Am I little discouraged yes, but I know God has something in store for me. A loving man who understands my career choice and holds me down, right now I don't have that. So let me go through a couple types that I am avoiding in 09.

The Drainer: A man who wants your time even though you just want to be their friend. When you talk you are constantly explaining why you are not in a relationship and that it's just not of interest. The man that you have to constantly say no to. You can't hang out with them on a one on one basis for fear of them trying to make a move and you having to keep rejecting them and having that "talk". The men who want to go out of their way to see you with nothing in return...Yeah Right. Fuck that talk I might have to let some good friends go for the sake of my sanity.

The Accuser and Super Sarcastic: The man who likes you, but doesn't know how to talk to you. The one who always has some smart ass shit to say when it's not their place to make comments at all. I'm single right??? So don't try to figure me out or make jealous ass comments about what you think I do with my free time. Why talk if it's always some slick shit to be said. Comments this person may make:
"You Big Time Now"
"Shit I'm Trying to Be Like You"
"I'm No Trey Songz Sooo"
Don't tell me what I am or what you're not....tell me who you are...

The Yeah We Cool: The guy who will play the friend position and pretend to be content, but as soon as he sees an opening will try and fuck, or put their tongue down your throat. If you saw my previous blog you know exactly what I'm talking about. The Nigga that will stall and spend some time with you offer to do a couple things....then BAM! They try to get you into the bed. I've been told it's a natural progression.

Mr. Sensitive: Listen I am blunt sometimes and very rarely do I meet a man that I feel entranced know I guy that makes you want to be submissive. When it comes to sex my experience on a larger scale is limited. So if by chance I choose to share that experience with someone I know very well and am comfortable with don't get mad when I tell you what I did and or didn't like about it. Constant improvement is a must. Also don't ask me questions you don't want the answers to. If I tell you..."our personalities clash, you are too aggressive, I am not into short guys, I don't give head, I don't think we are compatible etc..." That is not a translation for I only date black guys, I only date athletes, I'm too good for means exactly what I said. "It's not me it's you"...yeah whatever it's both of us and we don't fit.

The Mute: The guy who will text you all day but not answer the phone....if you can't call at least a quarter of the amount you text then let's not play ourselves

Send me a picture: If your not my man...u get no pictures...anymore LOL...and don't ever ask me to send a Naked picture!!!! It's not happening EVER

The Ex: We been off and on for 10 years...mainly off and it has hindered me from seeking what else is out there. I have never been able to give my heart to someone else, but in 09 if it's not you which I doubt it will be then I have to let go. You have had at least 4 girlfriends and countless other partners and I have still held you down. But I am into self preservation and I can't cheat myself anymore....especially after spending $300 on a hotel room. I will always love you but in 09 I gotta keep it moving. You said you wanted another chance and when I was ready to give you what you wanted you wanted to act up. Gotta move on.

So with that said...if you fit into any of these categories know that other than the last least 2 people fit in each one or more.

I can't be in a relationship right now because I don't have time, I am hardly ever even by myself. I have to work on me before I take on anyone else's bullshit in 09 I hope that Mr. I'm down for Brandy comes along but if not...that's fine too! Too all my true friends who understand me thank you soo much...Dorothy, Deanna, Victoria, Keshia, Cake, Fallon, Brit. You guys always listen to my stories and now I feel like a weight has been lifted...and trust that I am writing a book. The Bad Bitch Chronicles. You can say I'm arrogant, but I'm not I'm the coolest chick you never knew.

Happy New year!!!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

LOL I'll talk to you Tomorrow!

So if you know know I always have a it is

So there's this guy that I've had a crush on for about 4 years. When I first saw him I was like damn he is that deal, but found out that he was married with a child. So fast forward to the present day after years of instant messaging we finally about month meet face to face.

So today was the second time we had some one on one time. So he comes through my aunts house about 12am. We watch a movie and a show on my computer. So then comes time for him to leave and earlier in the night he said he was going to the mall and I could come back to his crib and go to the mall with him in the morning. So I think about it!!! Being the blunt bitch I am I ask a question prior to packing my bag.

Me: "So are you weird about chicks sleeping in your bed"

Guy: "Umm what do you mean"

Me: "You know some niggas just are like, hey if a chick is sleeping in my know what's going down. I just want to clarify before I get there." (I continue to pretend to pack my bag)

Guy: (Is quiet for a second as silence prevails) "Ummm well I can just come back and take you to the mall tomorrow....if that's cool"

Me: (politely smiles) "Okay that's cool, whatever works"

Guy: "Are you sure that's cool???" (Walking out the door)

Me: "That's Fine" (Laughing on the inside)

So yeah I talk about sex life with other men, but it's just because I have nothing to be ashamed of. I ALWAYS have a story of some sort and don't skim on details. But just because I share this information does not mean I plan to get down with the person I'm sharing this info with. This guys intentions may have been harmless...maybe he didn't want me to be uncomfortable...maybe he didn't want me to get in his bed and flip the script but hey at least I put it out there.....we'll see if he takes me to the mall tomorrow LOL!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

So have you ever regreted a huge decision you made? I like to think that every move I make is a good one, but lately I'm starting to think I put myself in a shitty situation and for what? Holding out for the brighter days is getting more and more difficult. Today is one of those days where I don't want to go to work, I don't want to be more concerned with other peoples lives and problems than I am with my own, but I feel like I don't have a choice. Choices...we all have them

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My First Time...Blogging

Hey Everyone,

Just decided to join this I guess to tell you about my life in moderation. Currently in Grand Rapids, MI and feeling very good about life in general. I'll add more later