Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My Favorite Quotes!

"God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the Courage to change the things I can; and the Wisdom to know the difference."

"Don't ever leave the one u love for the one u like, because the one u like will leave u for the one they love."

"Don't try so hard to be C.U.T.E.(Catering Unconsciously to Everyone), instead understand that it is perfectly fine to be U.G.L.Y.(Understand God Loves You; just the way you are)"

"False friends are like our shadow, keeping close to us while we walk in the sunshine, but leaving the instant we cross into the shade."

"How about a lot less talk and a lot more, SHUT THE HELL UP?!"
~Brian Griffin (Family Guy)

"Stewie (slaps teacher): ...and thats for wearing blue socks with purple pants! EWWWWW!!! "

"Lois: Oh, I haven't been on a college campus in years. Everything seems so different.
Stewie: Really? Perhaps if you laid on your back with your ankles behind your ears that would ring a few bells."

"Stewie: Uh you've reached stewie and brian, we're not here right now, uh and if this is mom, uh send money because we're college students and we need money for books...and highlighters...and.... ramen noodles...and condoms, for sexual relations with our classmates."

"window shopping is best done with a pocket full of money"~Brittany Ingram

"In prosperity our friends know us; in adversity we know our friends."
John Churton Collins

"Don't try so hard to be C.U.T.E.(Catering Unconsciously to Everyone), instead understand that it is perfectly fine to be U.G.L.Y.(Understand God Loves You; just the way you are)"

"But Seduction isn't making someone do what they don't want to do. Seduction is enticing someone into doing what they secretly want to do already." ~Waiter Rant

I Hate When This Happens

Have you ever just had so much on your mind that you couldn't go to sleep....well that's how I feel right now.

I've been talking a lot about women being a side piece or entertaining bullshit. As much as I don't want to admit that I have entertained the thought of kicking it with a guy in a relationship on an intimate level I have. I even did it with my ex when he had a girl. But I had to stop myself today, if a guy tells you I LOVE my girl that is a sign that no matter what else he says that you cannot compete. No woman should ever compete for something that is not hers. I don't think I could even knowingly do that to another woman no matter how tempting her man may be. I try not to be disappointed by people and their personal choices but I can't help it. I am far from perfect but I have to do my part in treating people how I know they would like to be treated even if I don't know them. It's time to take care of the business and consider everything else secondary. I'm just not really believing that everyone I think I like is in a relationship that's really been throwing me off. Some warning signs you just have to head...feel me!

Okay now I can go to sleep! Until Next time!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Being Blessed

I was explaining to a new friend the other day how the only person that can really get me to re-evaluate almost ANY situation is my best friend Dorothy. When she got saved and decided to fall back from me I did not disown her I let her do what she needed to do. But I wasn't really feeling the whole GOD thing! I was feeling like everyone who was on religion was full of it including my family members. I believed in something in my life greater than my self and I have faith that someone is looking out for me...but wasn't sure about the institution of religion/still not too sure. But lately I feel like God has been trying to tell me something no matter how bad my current situation is I have felt a calm over me at all times telling me not to worry. Everything around my seems to be going bad but I feel covered and safe and that can only be GOD! Then I met a designer that said some things that really just solidified what God has been trying to tell me all along....to stop trying to lean on my own personal understanding and know that he got my my back and that what I am going through is only temporary. I know this is a change from the other posts but the positivity I feel and the small blessings I am receiving mean the world to me. I am far from perfect and my situation is all messed up but there is a plan for my life and I can't wait to see what it is! I know this I am going to do my best to be the best person I can be and to continue to strive for greatness. Thanks to all my true friends and even just people who see just the pictures on facebook from the outside, thank you for believing in Missbrandy...Brandy....B-Mac...Sands....Soror...LS whatever thanks! I'm here for you

"In prosperity our friends know us, in adversity we know our friends"

But I'm Like a Celebrity why wouldn't you do it???

I gotta get this out NOW. So a semi celebrity that I'm cool with hit me up on AIM tonight. You know regular convo..."how are you...what you been up to?" Everytime we do something with this dude I hold him down...make sure his room is together flight is good...we take care of people who support. So this Nigga hits me up and asks me send him a link to my myspace page again....so I do. He also asks me to connect on Video chat....we talk like that every blue moon....real Platonic. So he says that he is casting a video for 2 MAJOR MAJOR artists to give u an idea let's just say Jay Z and Swizz Beatz. You know the high budget video where they pay people in the video especially principles cash money!

So I'm on the camera and he tells me yeah I'm casting and can get you a lead role...okay cool he's holding me down cause I hold him down....then he says "show me something sexy".....huh....we ain't cut like that. I didn't even click out on him right. So I ask is this a "quid pro quo" (this for that). Basically he says yes. So me still being a little shocked I clarify and ask. So in order for you to consider me to be in this video that "YOU" are assisting with casting on I have to show you some Skin.

From the convo
brandywmu (11:55:30 PM): I am so not gettin sexy/neked/close to neked on the cam

Person: ha ha well u better show me something punk since im getting u this high paying gig

brandywmu (11:57:24 PM): so dang I guess I'mma lose my big break huh

Person: hmm i guess

brandywmu (11:58:04 PM): u know I'm good people and I work hard and do my thing....u shouldn't even take it there

Person:I know you are but u should wanna hold ur boy down u know, cuz u know how many girls show up to audition

brandywmu (11:59:56 PM): But you gotta do what you have to do

Person: well just hit me if u up 4 it but b4 the end of the week cuz after that its out of my hands

brandywmu (12:00:35 AM): But I have to show you some skin in order to qualify?
brandywmu (12:00:42 AM): I just need clarification?

Person: well i gotta show them a resume and a portfolio but thats 4 me

brandywmu (12:01:42 AM): Exactly LOL I have photos I can submit LOL...it's just up to you if you want to send them in (minus the private show) LOL

Person: and yea if im gunna go through all of that ya boy wants to see some skin
ha ha nah its all or nothing

brandywmu (12:02:04 AM): I'm good

Person: aite then
brandywmu (12:02:13 AM): thanks for thinking of me

Person: well good luck sweets

After a productive week of being around forward thinking African American males I had to deal with this dumb as conversation with somebody that's supposed to be my Fam...my homeboy...

Ladies do what you have to do if you want it that bad...your integrity is all you have sometimes. I just couldn't fuck with it....what would you do. And trust me he probably is assisting with casting he's been acting in enough music videos. I'll take the long road he done fucked up some side cash for me!

talk about some BITCHASSNESS....desperate times don't always call for desperate measures.
Considering I been around this shit for the past 3-4 years and inside for the past 9 months...I'm appalled!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Drake-So Far Gone

So let me set this up first...

So everyone knows I am a fan of Trey Songz and a couple years ago he was on a song called Replacement Girl. I didn't pay attention to the rapper on the song. Fast forward to now. While I was on the first 4 dates of the "I Am Music" tour headlined by Lil Wayne he brings out his rappers from "Young Money". Before he introduces one of the rappers he states that dude used to be on "Degrassi"...Degrassi Nigga??? And he's a rapper??? Under LIL Wayne??? So I was like oh hell naw!!! But the kid was great. So I started looking up his music and realized it was Drake who had the song Trey Songz was on...Replacement Girl! So I call Trey's Manager Mr. Bobby Fisher and tell him about the tour and he tells me how Drake and Trey are real cool. So last week I went to Trey Grammy after party and Drake was there for a second, but he left before I got Bobby to give me the intro. So long story longer LOL...I'm in my office listening to Drake-So Far Gone all the way through...that and a couple people told me to listen to it! Keep it up Drake!

Drake - So Far Gone

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Patiently Waiting

This is poem I wrote a couple years ago when the guy I put my all into sent one of those devastating blows and my eyes were truly opened to some things all of this stuff is true...it's an accurate re-enactment.

I see it in your eyes the lies that you tell and at times it seems as though you're selling me the dream...

At least my dreams were to be with you
never mind the fact that you don't really want me back...because after the storm...
Forget that there were 3 less condoms than last time

And I know in my heart that maybe you're not right for me, but if I just hold on a little bit longer maybe we'll see eye to eye.

but in the mean time, I guess I can let you play between my thighs, stretch me to my highest point until I begin to sigh, or moan with whispers of relentless submissions cause fuck it...we were both on a mission

Thrusts of passion or possibility are positively positive so much so that it blinds me from seeing ANY negative...cause the truth is...I'm your weekend thing.
And when I depart someone else will lay helpless being fed blind directions by your supreme erections while I'm at home pretending everything is Alright.

See to leave such sexual supremacy would allow me to discover intimacy in a foreign place that could truly erase the false hopes and dreams that you feed me every day but until that time comes I have to patiently wait.

Copywrite~ Brandy Danielle McCallum

Vuck Falentine's

So who would have thought that I needed a public forum such as Facebook to get something for Valentine's day. I guess I gave the holiday so much flack that there were at least 2 individuals that just wanted make me smile. I truly appreciate the gesture and in my 24 years it is the first honest attempt of ANY man outside my immediate family to get me something for Valentine's day. A smile was put on my face when I came home to some beautiful flowers and a great message inside! Then this morning I woke up to another package with 6 different chocolate covered strawberies and a snow globe to remind me of Michigan that played "You are my sunshine"! Great weekend considering everything else that's going on in my life right now

It lessened the effect of the fact that I did not get to go to All Star Weekend...though it still hurts a little LOL.

Thanks to those 2 people!!!

Okay so I have to vent about something else now...
So I met someone at a Club in Vegas who was super cool and nice to me and my girls. Come to find out he's some huge basketball player (I swear I didn't know at the time). Anywho we started to be cool, but mainly over text messaging. This man wanted me to be his side piece. Basically when he is tired of the monotany of his day to day family life with his live in baby momma that I can come relieve some of that by being available when he wants to have sex (and I clarified that that is what he was getting at).
So I asked him where he got my sidepiece application from...I just don't understand...I just wanted to put that out there. And people wonder why I don't have a man, I am afraid of disappointment.

In other news I went to LA last weekend for Grammy festivities and had a blast...even though it was rainy and freezing and I had an allergic reaction to something (not sure what) and broke out in hives (pray for me that it goes away before my Miami trip in two weeks). It was very refreshing to see and meet so many black producers doing their thing.
Special Shout outs to
Brian Kennedy
Da Internz (Kosine)
You guys all do you're thing

Let's see also I would like to say I turned 4 years old as a Woman of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, INC on 2/13/09. I love you guys and I don't know what I would do with out out you! Especially Dorothy you are my sister and I love you to death you are truly my friend. Also Cake, Fallon, Victoria, Brandy K, Deanna! You guys are awesome not that no one else is but I talk to you the most!.

I just added Here I Stand by Usher to my profile!
I want a man to feel like that about me someday

A Penny For Your Thoughts

You guys think I'm joking when I say guys aren't checking for me like that, but it's the truth!

Monday, February 2, 2009

You're a Grown Ass Woman! LOL

Okay so over the weekend I went to Tampa for Super Bowl. I saw alot of very attractive men and one in particular that I was my age, seemed to have good sense and a strong sense of self. But instead of me simply having a regular conversation I just HAD to explain what I don't do even though he never really asked.

What is it about some women that make us think that we have to explain ourselves to people who probably don't care one way or the other. It got so bad that this individual said that I "killed it". What makes it even worse is that I said so much that I don't even know what exactly killed anything. The truth is I was feeling this person physically but couldn't stop thinking ahead of the current situation....which was nothing more than a conversation. Instead I went into a semi-defense where I had to maintain my "integrity" at all costs.

So fast forward to the next day...no text back and me "killing it" LOL. I thought to myself at what point do I really truly not care what people think. I don't look to be with someone based off of what they can do for me, but rather how that person makes me feel when I'm around them. But instead I operate on how I think I'll feel about that person 4 months from now. I try to keep thinking of formulas of how not to move to fast but I keep fucking up.

The following was my new Philosophy
Fellowship, Friendship, Relationship in that order
Because if you cannot get past the first 2 the the 3rd is impossible. Shouldn't you know someone before you share your body with them? Or if you feel comfortable and it's something u want to do...do you just do what you feel? That is the question... I'm just all confused!

So next up for me is Grammy events then All-Star...let's see if I kill it for someone else or if the person I'm speaking about isnt too done...either way I guess we all have things to work on and being stingy with the pussy is def not a bad thing ;)