Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Chopped and Screwed: Miami Style


Chopped N Skrewed - T-Pain ft. Ludaris

It's my 4th night in Miami and I have no clue what to wear it's about 9pm and I'm panicking. I grab my soror and we begin to walk towards American Apparel. I always wanted a pair of those skin tight, trash bag looking leggings! I squeeze into an extra small and it's a match made in Miami heaven. I confidently walk back to my hotel eager to try on the outfit that I have created in my head. By the time I get out of the shower our crew of 5 has turned to 3 and one is sleep. I continue to get dressed as I periodically check on one of my girls to see if she's going to come. All the while ripping through my duffel bag to find a top to go with those darn leggings. I finally decide on a Green low cut V-Neck shirt that plunges below appropriate. I think to myself "I'll make the bra part of the ensemble". And there you have it I feel confident correct and ready to hang out for my last night in Miami. Me and my girl leave the hotel as a twosome and jump in a cab. We pull up with confidence exuding from every pore as I walk to the door and ask the door bouncer..."Excuse me is there a guest list"....he answers me with a seductive look in his eye and says "not for you Miss". As we pass the first barrier to a great night we walk through a restaurant to an EMPTY bar!!! No one was there, but what could I expect at 10:30pm in Miami....I get places early to avoid the hassle.

So after a couple minutes of looking around we make our way to the bar and I ask the bar tender, "excuse me sir, what's the minimum to use a credit card"..."he answers $30". So I stand there and think for a moment about the charge I'm about to put on my card...I mean after all I am in Miami on a budget and I know what will happen if I just use a little patience. So I go through my purse and come across the flier for the party..."Free Martini's and Champagne till midnight"....It's 10:45! So I confirm the special with the bar tender and we get it cracking. At about 11:30 we make our way to the restroom to sit down and let the club fill up (feet were hurting). So as time progresses and I drink some more of my champagne, we make our way back to the party. We run into some people from School and converse. I then walk to the VIP room which was open to everyone this night and run into a young man who wants to start convo. I trade laughs with him for a second as we make our way to the bar. We continue our conversation and realized our common friends and he buys my girl a drink too. He then invites me to his section where the hosts (Santana Moss and his brother and Edgerine James) are and I let him know that I will connect later.

At this point the reserved tables are still empty so me my girl and some college friends have a seat. After about ten minutes a waitress comes and asks us to move because someone has purchased the section. We oblige. At this point it is feet are killing me and the vultures are out. All the women parading around like peacocks trying to catch that $100,000 nut LOL. I play it cool I'm used to being around men of this caliber...or men with money. I tell women all the time "it's not your money"! So after standing up for a while and doing another walk around the club I go back to the table we were booted from. Now there are 2 semi attractive looking males there with an empty seat. So I ask "excuse me do you mind if I sit here, my feet hurt"...without hesitation they agree to let me rest my feet. One of the guys offers me a drink that consists of Patron and Pineapple juice and we begin to talk. As I sit and conversed with him I see women putting on shows for athletes desperate for a chance to touch a trophy and I laugh to myself as I sit comfortably with my new found friend. We continue to drink and talk and enjoy the music for the next couple hours...I actually got up a couple times and he made room for me to come back, we danced to a couple slow songs and at the time he was something to do while I looked at him and thought of someone I would rather be dancing with. As the night comes to a close we exchange numbers and he asks me to add his name into my phone as James One Nighter Miami...I smile and put it in my phone and begin to walk away. He grabs my arm and pulls me close to him and whispers in my ear "I want you to come with me", In my most Ignorant voice ever I ask "Why would I do that"...This dude really thought that since I sat and drank with him that it entitled him to go home with me!!! So after my initial comment as I let him down softly lips barely touching his ear just as softly as he sent the offer I walked away. As he watched me walk away I could feel his eyes etching my silhouette into his memory. I go outside to meet my male friend and wait on valet to bring his car to around as the man whose been chopped and screwed whistles for a cab....he see's me next to my 6'4'' chocolate companion and yells a heart felt "FUCK YOU" with a middle finger to match as he jumps into his yellow cab. As I ride off into the night in the black range I think to myself damn I've done it again...

1 comment:

A Tru Gentleman said...

Im sure you have had many "Chopped & Screwed" moments like this. Unfortunately, some men are that confident to ask to take a lady home hoping they will get lucky. What kills me is that they not only do they think it will work on you specifically; however its the fact that they do not know how to handle rejection. Some dudes feel like they gotta diss a lady to salvage their pride, egos, and hidden insecurities when doesn't accept their advances. I guess it makes them feel better however they fail to realize that their immature behavior ONLY acknowledges and reinforces that you made the RIGHT DECISION!