Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Viva Miami!!!

So My Miami trip was cool. I saw alot of familiar faces and that was more important than the location. I did some things I probably shouldn't have done, but what the heck today is a new day. Hmmmm trying to think of what else. Went to a couple parties hung out all day at Wet Willies(people watching). Came back to Vegas trying to formulate a plan! But overall besides spending the money it was a good release. I decided to keep alot of details to myself on this go round...sorry internet! But we did come up with a list of Spring Break Quotes! LOL and now these are not all mine we all were saying some pretty random stuff and started writing stuff down.

"Where am I supposed to put my face?...Do here!"

"Man your eyes are soooo low right now, if that drink was weed you would be sooo hight right now"

"Hand me my beer so I can take my birth control"

"Fuck a nigga...animals make me cum"

"but you ain't talkin about scrappin though"

"What airline did you Fly ma'am? O'Hare"

"Did we have sex in spanish?...he Couldn't get it up in English"

"No Mediums....ALL smalls"

"damn it's letters and number on these keys"

"They got Menna's in this bitch???"

"Well if I ain't fuckin...I ain't buyin you no drinks"

"I ain't gettin no got damn grill"

"Don't eat Menns's or your shit will be green"

"You'll be sitting on the toilet for lika a half hour butt neked"

"I'm not an RA no more so I'm good"

"Who Juicy?"

"I was fuckin that crab up! I was the man that day"

"Imma be butt neked on a moped"

"What's a bust it baby?"

"So I told ya'll I used to have sex in spanish right?"

" got a Michigan Booty"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LMBO!!! The quotes are Hilarious!!